Dr Camilla Ellis (Chiropractor)
The message that Lisa and Seto are giving everyone is one that needs to be heard, they both come from a place of giving and truth and it is everything of a gift. The power of the mind is underestimated and their amazing technique brings that to fruition, if you follow this path not only will you be in a position to walk through life with greater ease but you will get everything you could wish for in learning to heal yourself through your own mind!
Vivian Gueye
I feel so blessed to be finding myself in places of peace and among such inspirational people. The ‘Mind Flight’ session with Seto and Lisa (with the support of their mindful Cameraman), must rank in the top 10 of my personal life-enhancing moments.
I was amazed at the fact that the ‘meditation’ took 40 – minutes because it felt more like 10-15 minutes. I was also moved by the film footage showing Hratch Ogali at work – he was /is a very wonderful human being who has created a healing system to benefit mankind. His son, Seto is now lending his voice and determination to the mission. Lisa, who has been transformed by the miracle of the ‘procedure’, is passionate about broadcasting the merits of Hratch Ogali’s work. Their enthusiasm is infectious and the whole approach is measured and shows the humility they bring to this most important task. I admire the courageous way they have chosen to share this with those who are coming forward to help spread the word.
My wonder is with the ‘realisation’ of the SACRED nature of each breath we take; usually engaged in without awareness or appreciation. Being guided and ‘trained’ to focus the breath so as to access so much more that lies beyond our known senses, opens opportunities to reach the individual’s full capacity: A chance to soar beyond our wildest dreams – releasing our potential! Truly bringing together mind, body and spirit. I shifted somewhat in my perception of who I am, and the way I relate to everyone and everything around me. It is so important for each of us to take responsibility for our own transformation, and to be the change we want to see in humanity. Not forgetting the planet, of course.
Tracey Carter
I have been practicing the mind meditation for over a 1 year now. It’s the simplest most potent technique to achieve personal mastery. I now understand the word true potential in it’s essence.
I have found that I am now laser sharp at finding solutions in all area’s of life. I have always believed that we were all capable of so much more but all the other tools seemed so complicated.
From a business perspective, it has been awesome, the concepts and ideas we come up with after a mind flight are so great that sometimes my business partner and I are speechless at our creations. I have always studied the great innovators of our time and many do some sort of mindfulness practice, I am so glad this is now available to all. My mother is 71 and she has transformed since she’s been doing it. She has a new spring in her step and feels like she is ready to take on the world, I am in shock sometimes with her new lease for life.
I would recommend anyone to give it a go for health, career, wealth, grounding, peace of mind. My family and friends have had astounding results.
All I can say is “Find your mind and come to your senses”
Founder of www.thinkyourselfdebtfree.com
Lynne Scott (Interior Designer)
Hi Lisa and Seto,
What can I tell you both but a Big Thank You for sharing this Phenomenal Knowledge!
I find that I don’t worry as much! Feel Peaceful almost Bliss like. Instead of worry I “Mind Flight” I hand over as much as possible to “Mind Flight” and watch things Manifest right in front of my eyes! The Chaos is out of my head.
When I don’t “Mind Flight” (for varies excuses, may it be “I do it later, tomorrow or just sheer laziness) my life becomes chaotic, I feel lazy and unwell and lose all focus and I know all this is caused by me not instructing my Mind. I am now left hungry to “Mind Flight” and if I don’t practise today I ENSURE I do it the next.
Again Thank you both so much. Looking forward to learning more.
Debbie Dixon
My experience of Mind Flight has been awesome.
My life has always been a series of short film clips; short disconnected and non-sequential. Jumping or falling in and out of sync with the rest of the world left me feeling disorientated and a bit of a freak.Being one for trying new concepts even if sometimes tinged with doubt, I have been searching for a way to use my mind effectively.I have had so many types of therapy to address this issue but these only partially solved this.
I feel like Captain Kirk on the Starship Enterprise. In charge of my universe and using at least part of the wonderful mind that God has given me.
Thank you so very much for helping my mind to soar above conventionality, aim high, and be whole.
Andrew Greenough – (Actor)
I am now on day 55 of my 10mins a day of ‘Mind Flight’ and I am still not entirely sure why, but it has had a noticeable positive effect on my life. An effect that my friends and family have pointed out. In a very hectic and uncertain time, that 10mins is ‘me time’ and a way of stepping out, the beauty of it is it can be done on a train, hotel room or even a toilet.
Matthew Ogborn – (Journalist)
It is very easy in life to turn your nose up at anything that seems out of the ordinary and, especially in this frenetic day and age, something that takes time.
However I believe that the Mind Flight sessions that I have participated in have helped me to see beyond the hectic world and deep within myself.
The simple acts of slowing down and breathing correctly, as taught by Seto and Lisa, form a wonderful foundation for growth which they build upon with you as time goes on to boost your mental and physical state.
If you are skeptical, give them an hour or so with an open mind to show you how it can improve your life. You will be surprised at the journey that starts with that first session.
David Ankarah
I would encourage anyone to keep an open mind when starting your Mind Flights and don’t expect the actual things you want to magically appear…but just stay alert to new pathways that lead to what you want.
You still have to work towards it but subtly you’ll notice changes…
Rhys Devereaux
My name is Rhys Devereaux. I have a neurological condition called friedreich’s ataxia. This affects my balance and co-ordination, and in 2006 left me requiring the use of a wheelchair.
In March 2007 I began attending the ‘Mind clinic’. I was a patient of Hratch Ogali’s for 3 years and was making remarkable progress in my quest to get out of the wheelchair before his untimely death in 2010. However, despite the fact that I was aware of the importance he placed upon ‘mind work’, I was guilty of concentrating my efforts on the physical work that our sessions involved. Therefore despite Hratch constantly telling me the importance of this, and how doing mind work would bring about physical changes, I was content to just do the physical.
When Hratch died, I didn’t know what to do or where to turn. Having been with him for 3 years, I knew the physical exercises and strengthening that was needed, but after a while I became ‘lost’.
I had met Lisa Whelan and Seto Ogali at the mind clinic, and as they had spent so much time following Hratch Ogali’s teachings it seemed clear that they would know what Hratch would suggest – I trusted Hratch completely so I wanted to know what he would tell me to do so I can take the next step.
Mind work, mind work and more mind work!
As I said when I was attending the mind clinic, mind work was always an afterthought, something that I would do when I had no energy for the physical work.
But the more I do now, the more energy I feel I’m getting which is obviously helping me to complete my physical work.
Since beginning the daily mind flight sessions in January 2012 (2 months ago) I feel I have got my focus back, and feel much more relaxed and positive. Getting myself out of the wheelchair is a long process (when Hratch was around he used to say “it took you 22 years to f**k yourself up……….it’ll take as long as it takes) but I feel encouraged that by continuing to do the ‘Mind flight’ I WILL reach my goal!! Patience and endurance!
What I have realised is that there is more to life than just 24 hours. There is day and night, pain and happiness it has given me a greater understanding and the ability to see things that some people never see in a lifetime and it is there for all to see. You just have to know how and most of all believe.
Thank you for making me see.
Jessica Emily – 14 years old
The Mind Flight improved my concentration. I also had better knowledge of myself.
It allowed me to have a deeper understanding of myself. When my first mind flight session finished I felt relaxed and less bothered by little things that didn’t truly matter.
I felt peaceful and aware of a sense of meaning in life.
Charlotte Hales – 17 years old
The Mind Flight definitely helped me when I felt possibly the worst that I have felt in a long time, if ever. By the end of the session I felt calm, in control and had a sense of knowing that everything was going to be alright. It also helped me to cope when I felt anxious or stressed as I would just go back to the calm place I had gone to, riding on the back of an eagle if you were curious, and I would feel instantly better. I don’t expect miracles overnight, in fact if anything I was a complete sceptic, but the meditation session genuinely made a difference and from what I have experienced I can see how your outlook and attitude would change for the better if the meditation sessions were maintained.